Passion Of Pink, Delivery in Nivane, Nashik


Stunningly beautiful this irresistible combination of 12 White Roses with 12 Pink Roses and 2 Stems of Asiatic Pink Lilies is a perfect gift for every occasion. Its beauty is to give a very heart-warming message and greetings to your loved ones. Product Contains-12 White Roses-12 Pink Roses- 2 Stems of Asiatic Pink Lilies.


  • 12 White Roses
  • 12 Pink Roses
  •  2 Stems of Asiatic Pink Lilies.


We are one of the leading same day online cake delivery service. We deliver freshly baked cakes 24*7 at your door step in most of the localities in Gurgaon and Delhi. Taste of our cake is admired by our customers, they love to order cakes online with us again and again. We use top brand raw products like Pillsbury, Morde, Del Monte etc., All cakes are made as per order, we don’t keep any old stocks. Order birthday cakes, wedding cakes, surprise cakes or cake for any occasion. We have full range of cakes like Chocolate cake, designer cake, strawberry cake, fruit cake, Red Velvet, Butter Scotch. We do take custom orders also. Give us a call at +919971495880 for custom orders. Most of our cakes are Eggless *. Get fresh cake at your doorstep on Online cake delivery of Passion Of Pink in Nivane, Nashik. We ensure hassle free online cake delivery in Nashik, you can order same day delivery or book advance order. We may have midnight cake delivery option as well in your locality in Nashik.

*24 Hours delivery are available in most of the places in Gurgaon and Delhi. Cheese, Mousse and Fondant Cakes are Egg Based.
