Elegant Pink Roses Bouquet, Delivery in Adalpur, Darbhanga


A stunning collection of elegant pink roses. By choosing these Fairtrade® roses you can make a difference to the lives of the farmers and workers by ensuring they have the ability to make their own choices and have control of their own future. Just add flower food and fresh water and, for maximum life, always re-cut the flower stems before placing them into a vase. Colors may vary slightly throughout the season.

Item details

  • Dimensions: Stem count- 22
  • Products will arrive in bud, or with fewer open flowers than pictured. This is to avoid damage during delivery and to give the maximum period of flowering in the home
  • The vase pictured is not included
  • Sent with a personal message
  • Flower freshness guarantee: We guarantee that our flowers and plants will look beautiful for at least 5 days, or your money back.

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*24 Hours delivery are available in most of the places in Gurgaon and Delhi. Cheese, Mousse and Fondant Cakes are Egg Based.
